About Us
Muroplás – Indústria De Plásticos, S.A., Is A Reference In The Development Of Solutions In Plastic Components, Mainly In Sectors Of Strong Specificity And Great Requirement In Engineering And Quality.
We work based on a philosophy of strong partnership with our customers, presenting integrated solutions from product design and development, to mold production and precision plastic injection of the final component or product.
Our activity is focused fundamentally on four areas of product specialization: Medical, Automotive, Electric & Electronic and Technical.
In 2019, we completed 30 years of extraordinary challenges that have allowed Muroplás to achieve sustained and solid growth in terms of its human resources, physical and operational capabilities, specialized know-how and financial structure.
Year after year Muroplás, S.A. has been distinguished with the SME Leader and SME Excellence seals.
But the great distinction received each year, since 1989, is the confidence of our partners, in particular clients and suppliers, through the creation of strong partnerships that we are proud of, and they also represent our ability to evolve and create value, surpassing the most demanding expectations.
Muroplás values are strongly present in our organizational culture are:
We are focused on ensuring the best quality standard solutions that meet the needs of our clients and the market.
The corporate philosophy is oriented to innovation and continuous improvement on several levels: product, process, organizational and marketing. The quality management system has been certified according to NP EN ISO 9001 since 2000. Muroplas is also ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and IATF 16949 certified.
Continuous improvement is ensured by employee feedback and data collection from the information system.
We are truly committed to create value for our Clients as well as our suppliers. By developing strong partnerships with our suppliers, we are able to ensure that we have most adequate and necessary resources at the time of production. We believe that treating suppliers the way we want to be treated, when we are in the role of suppliers, is the only way to ensure quality throughout the value chain. This is our way of acting and the reason because we have at all times the best and appropriate solutions for our needs, whether raw materials or any need for products or services.
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Vivamus iaculis dolor id felis. Phasellus cursus nulla non odio. Nulla a lectus sed nisi luctus pretium. Sed egestas rutrum odio. Nunc ornare arcu. Quisque at augue ac magna sollicitudin sodales. Donec nulla justo, adipiscing sit amet, feugiat ac, facilisis euismod, risus.
Pellentesque tincidunt, dolor eu dignissim mollis, justo sapien iaculis pede, vel tincidunt lacus nisl sit amet metus. Fusce ac est vitae purus varius tristique. Phasellus mattis ornare ligula. Donec id nibh. Vestibulum metus quam, ultrices in, sagittis tincidunt, gravida et, sapien. Sed bibendum, lectus vitae tincidunt dapibus, sem felis posuere est, id ornare augue lorem in purus. Suspendisse ligula. Sed mollis tristique mauris. Nullam nunc nunc, aliquet et, tristique nec, porttitor quis, urna. Etiam eu erat. Morbi ut nisl. Curabitur semper sem. Nulla turpis nibh, tempor nec, aliquet vitae, elementum ac, mauris.
Quisque pellentesque metus ac quam. Donec magna nulla, aliquet vitae, congue ac, faucibus ut, erat. Donec sit amet neque. Donec posuere tempus massa. Duis vulputate mauris sit amet purus. Duis vestibulum. Fusce ac erat. Curabitur sagittis. Pellentesque ultricies, ante id lobortis feugiat, ipsum magna congue risus, pulvinar euismod arcu nunc ac turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam vel quam ut tellus gravida faucibus. Vivamus justo est, elementum vitae, malesuada eu, fermentum in, sapien. Donec sit amet justo. In velit. Vivamus turpis pede, dignissim sed, scelerisque nec, pretium sit amet, dui. Nam nec felis non turpis hendrerit varius. In ultrices ornare lorem. Quisque bibendum, massa sed venenatis malesuada, diam ipsum blandit urna, vel ultricies pede nulla vitae lacus